record label Louvana Records is organising the “2nd Lefkosia Loop
Festival” in Nicosia. The festival will take place at the Melina Merkouri Hall
(Famagusta Gate) on the 5th and 6th of January. I’ts main goal is to present a varied range of high-quality
musical performances based on the live looping technique. To achieve this,
Louvana has invited exceptional musicians from Greece, England and Cyprus,
carefully selected for their knowledge and mastery of this technique, both on a
technical and aesthetic level.
In particular, the artists and bands
performing at the festival come from varying musical backgrounds and have a
different approach regarding the use of their instruments, which adds to the
diversity demanded in these live performances.
From Greece
we’ll have Giorgos Kaloudis, a cellist who will perform pieces from his two
personal albums, and the brilliant double-bassist/composer Michalis Siganides,
in the debut performance of his “doc-fic-o”, a solo act which he will present
using tape, double-bass, guitars and vocals. The festival is also hosting, for
the second time, the now-known Sancho 003 (Fotis Siotas and Kostas Pantelis),
ready to show their beautiful second album called “Muzga”.
Another one
of our headliners is Mo Kolours all the way from London, a half Mauritian, half
English, half percussionist, half beatmaker who dropped his first EP, “Drum
Talking”, in May 2011. His music is a melting pot where English electronica and
hip-hop fuse with African percussion, rhythms and vocal stylings.
festival wouldn’t be complete without the Cypriot acts such as Plain History,
Acapella Solo Loop and M.Edo, all three of which are brand new artists, joined
by Giannis Koutis who is a veteran on the Cypriot music scene and will be
presenting his “Stand Alone Project”.
To enrich
the visual aspect of the festival we’ll have a video by Untitled Dualism as
well as Raissa Angeli with her live action painting show accompanying some of
the acts in real time, and finally Arampas, who will be presenting an
audio-visual project called “Robot”.
The looping
technique gives the artist the ability to build, in real time, a complex,
multi-layered musical piece. This is achieved by creating melodic and rhythmic
phrases (with natural or electronic instruments), that, once structured, can be
repeated as recorded samples over which the artist continues to add new lines.
More than often, the final result, as well as its parts, can stand as a
completed musical piece. The artist can therefore present, through looping to
his/her audience, exactly how a song can be build on the spot, and what its
major components are, while the listener gets a sense of being a part of the
creative process.
and 6th of January 2013
Merkouri Hall, Famagusta Gate
Manager: Andreas Trachonitis
Director: Lefteris Moumtzis
Assistant: Mikaela Tsangari
Louvana Records
Info Line:
7000 7610
Prices: €15 for One day, €20 for Both days.
22667741 (Old Nicosia)
22261000 (Egkomi)
Studio: 22101163 (Palouriotissa)
Day 1
Acapella Solo Loop
21:00 Giannis
22:00 Giorgos
23:00 Mo
Day 2
20:00 M.Edo
21:00 Plain
22:00 Michalis
Sancho 003
one of the most important Greek artists. He is a composer and double-bassist,
and a man with a very unique view of the world of music. Siganidis delivers a
wide-open, yet coherent mix of jazz, blues, funk, traditional Greek sounds,
free improvisation, electronics, poetry, a sharp social outlook and loads of
humor. He is also a member of the groups: “Heimerinoi Kolymvites” and
“Primavera en Salonico”. He will present for the first time, the solo set
called doc-fic-o, using tape and loops along with double bass and guitar.
It’s the
duet of Fotis Siotas (violin, viola, synth, voice) and Kostas Pantelis
(guitars). They compose and perform music based on two instruments and two loop
stations synced manually. Their work has been characterised as cinematic. We
call it brilliant! They will mainly perform pieces from their latest album
“Muzga” as well as new material.
He is one
of the most important Greek cello players. Through his compositions, personal
technique and different timbres of the instrument, he produces a post-modern
and ambient, alternative environment, which combines classical, jazz and funk
elements, as well as elements from the Greek traditional music. He is also a
frequent collaborator of Alkinoos Ioannidis-
Mo Kolours
is a half Mauritian, half English, half percussionist, half beatmaker who’s
dropped his first EP Drum Talking in May 2011. His music is a melting pot where
English electronica and hip-hop fuse with African percussion, rhythms and vocal
stylings. It’s a potent mix that ranges from psychedelic dub to dubstep
flavours, always keeping Sega music firmly at its heart.
It’s the
solo project of Demetris Spyrou, also a member of the band Ιntibah and the
theatre group Ypoga. His music is based on a personal research, in progress, on
the revolution of the human voice as an autonomous musical instrument, and the
use of every-day objects to create musical accompaniment.
Koutis, as
part of his “stand alone project”, creates and loops electric and acoustic
sounds with oud, percussion and voice, using a vast palette of sound effects.
His sounds range from classical Arabic to modern western music, with the
element of improvisation playing a key role in his performances.
History is a collective of musicians who improvise using analogue synths, bass,
flute and loop stations. At the festival they will present the project
“Feykos”, which has been prepared for this performance, and includes tape
narration and live looping.
Emiddio Vasquez Hadjilyra music is motivated by
the fundamental principles behind audio manipulation in sound design and how
they can be attained with a guitar and a few pedals, creating displaced rhythms,
folded melodies and accompanying harmonics.
Parallel Action:
(Giorgos Ioannou and Sofronis Sofroniou), will present their latest audiovisual
project titled “Robot”. Their project, which is based on an idea by artist
Raissa Angeli, is based on the perplexity of the human mind and some of the
different perspectives one can have when "listening" to it. Giorgos
Ioannou is also the visual designer of the festival.
Raissa Angeli (CY)
Angeli is a Cypriot artist who has been trained in sculpture and painting at
the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. She will provide a visual aid for some of
the festival's acts, in the form of a live-action painting show. Her
performance will be based on improvisation and will have strong ties to the
live looping technique, as she will strive, in real time, to take elements from
each looping artist she accompanies and use them to build a final piece of art.-
Ficus Microcarpa: the void of the distance 01
Τhe video
presented at the festival is a part of the collaborative project Untitled
Dualism by Lito Kattou and Leontios Toumbouris. The video projects an almost
static image of two elements, an empty flower pot and the trunk of a Ficus
Microcarpa, a tree, which is frequently found in the centre of Nicosia.