Once in a lifetime, you’ll experience a pandemic. Once in a blue moon, you’ll have a chance to visit a secluded island. Once on a red Thursday, as the local saying goes, you’ll be in a situation with a group of strangers and the sparks of musical creation will fly forth. This album is the product of such a very gathering of musicians from a multitude of countries.
Once strangers, these musicians - from ten countries to be exact - gathered into the secluded Mediterranean island of Cyprus amid a pandemic to join the songwriting programme, Eurotoire
and see what would happen when they allow their artistry to meet. Their initial week-long meeting began on a Thursday in June at Studio eleven63 in the island’s capital of Nicosia and blossomed into fifteen demos. After another two writing and recording sessions in July and September, the tracks bloomed into the Eurotoire team members’ fully-fledged album. Now they’re using On A Red Thursday
to spread the word about the power of surrendering to creative instinct and collaborating with the unknown. Take music on trust. Who knows what the circumstances can mould?